My grandfather once told me I would probably never get around to reading all the books on my TBR list. He was quite right, though it hasn’t stopped me from adding to it - currently numbering 5,510 books. If anything, as long as one never stops reading, one always has something (or many things) to think about. Hopefully one reads widely and becomes a more well-rounded person because of it.

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Yes, he was bang on. But I'm with you, there is so much out there still to look at that it's impossible to stop searching. I hope reading does make us better people, and even if it doesn't I'm still enjoying it in the meantime. Do you have particular favourites (genres, author, collectibles)?

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Agreed! The reading journey is lifelong.

I am all over the place with my reading interests: literature, classics, Children’s books, memoirs, biographies, science, travel, current events, psychology, history, science fiction, fantasy, humour…and I have many favourite authors (too many to list here!). :)

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Sadly I am the slowest, most distractible reader in history so my 'books I've read this year' pile tends to be similar to what many read in a month. Which, as you can imagine, means my book to be read list is H U G E

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It's quality not quantity. Some people certainly regard reading as a competition which is a terrible way of looking at it. I'm reading a book of poems at the moment by the Welsh poet Alun Lewis which has these lines in it:

Linger not in my library,

If you seek in it wisdom, not pleasure.

It's not quite the same, but does run alongside my feeling that reading should be enjoyable, not a game of one-upmanship.

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That's a hard agree from the East Devon camp. What a great quote too, thank you

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