A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Museum of English Rural Life for the first time and was delighted to discover that they have a small gallery of Ladybird books, along with some of the original artwork. It was wonderful!

They also had a bookshelf with a mix of older titles to read, plus the new Ladybird for Grown Ups by Joel Morris and Jason Hazeley, which I knew of, but hadn't seen before. Honestly, they are hilarious, and also an incredibly good demonstration of how to write a standalone joke.

But that got me thinking about whether they'd ever been translated into Welsh, and it turns out there were a few Welsh titles. I managed to find four science books from Ebay - Magnetau a Thrydan, Mecaneg Syml, Cemeg Syml and Goleuni, aka Magnets and Electricity, Simple Mechanics, Simple Chemistry and Light. The Welsh isn't simple, mind you, so it's taking me a while to read them, but I'm learning lots of new vocab!

I'd love to see Joel and Jason's books translated into Welsh – it'd be a great way to get adult learners practicing their reading!!

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What a marvellous idea. Shedworking actually gets a big mention in the grown up The Shed book!

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Love this!

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