
Evening and bedtime mainly, but also a lot when I'm on holiday. Poetry books up the total, so do photo books, and quite a lot of the novels are quite slim! I do read quite fast, but I also watch almost no television. I'm. I'm torn about these kinds of lists because it can look a bit like bragging, but I'm interested to see what other people read so hopefully I don't look too much of a swaggering arse. Have you tried audiobooks? My wife is a big reader but over the last year has hugely got into them instead of traditional paper.

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Audiobooks are a big part of my reading now.

I’m curious to know more about Briggflatts...

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Bunting was very keen on Briggflatts being spoken out loud rather than simply read - the idea is (at least partly) to let it all wash over you rather than being too closely examined. There are various recodings of him online doing just that - he has a very atmospheric voice for it.

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That's what I'd heard (the idea, not his voice). I remember Bloodaxe (used to?) publish the book with a CD for just that reason... Thanks for troubling to reply.

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Yes, I've got a copy of it but not sure if it's still available other than secondhand (I picked mine up in Durham Oxfam which inexplicably had several). If you have trouble tracking it down, let me know and I can lend you mine.

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That's very kind, thank you.

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Fascinating as ever, thank you. I feel I need to ask - as a slow reader who can only dream of reading half that many in a year - when do you read? Perhaps I'm too given to checking emails/instagram when I have a moment...plus reading puts me to sleep if I'm even slightly tired.

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